Starting March 2021 WIND POWER ENERGY SRL has begun the implementation of the project RenewAcad – Academy of Counseling and Vocational Training for Renewable Energy Sources, SMIS Code 135238.
The project is co-financed from the European Social Fund through the Human Capital Operational Program 2014-2020, within the financing contract POCU / 726 / 6/12/135238.
The overall objective of the project is to “increase the participation in continuing vocational training programs of 700 employees from less developed regions, especially for the low-skilled and people over 40 years of age, respectively from disadvantaged rural areas.”.
One of the most interesting activities in the project is the achievement of career counseling and professional training courses in renewable energy sources.
Thus, the people in the areas affected by the energy transition as well as the companies that now work in industries that are in the area of coal energy production, will have at their disposal training courses, close to their area of activity.
The expected results following the implementation of the project are:
· 700 people who received support for participation in continuing vocational training;
· 595 people certified following the courses for renewable sources graduated within the project;
· 404 people who found a job as a result of the support received;
· 70 people who attend studies / training courses at the end of the quality of participant.
The implementation period of the project is: 26.03.2021 – 25.03.2023. The value of the project is: 4,711,689.40 lei, of which the EU co-financing value is 3,804,685.47 lei, and the eligible non-reimbursable value from the national budget is 671,414.86 lei.
More information here: https://www.renewacad.eu/